Key Concept:
Can the student identify basic body systems and functions with a focus on muscular with connections to skeletal systems?
Description: Discover that muscles work in pairs.
Discover that exercise makes your muscles stronger.
Use vocabulary of the muscular system.
Understand that muscles are attached by tendons and ligaments to the skeletal system.
opposing muscles
Assessment (click here)
Can the student identify basic body systems and functions with a focus on muscular with connections to skeletal systems?
Description: Discover that muscles work in pairs.
Discover that exercise makes your muscles stronger.
Use vocabulary of the muscular system.
Understand that muscles are attached by tendons and ligaments to the skeletal system.
opposing muscles
Assessment (click here)
Muscular System |
Skeletal System |
PresentationsPowerpoint 1 (Click here)
ProjectsWebquest (Click here)
Experiments |
Diagrams |
Unit Overview
Project-Based Learning Unit
Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Grade Level: 3-5
Essential Question: How does our skeletal and muscle systems work?
1. What are bones made of?
2. What do bones do to help our bodies?
3. What are muscles and what purpose do they serve?
4. How do muscles work?
5. What are the different types of joints and how do they work?
6. Describe where each type of joint can be found on your body?
Science Goals
Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the form and function of the skeletal and muscle
systems of the human body.
4.1 Identify the skeleton as a system of the human body.
4.2 Describe several functions of bones: • Support. • Protection. • Locomotion.
4.3 Describe the functions of different types of joints: • Hinge. • Ball and socket. • Gliding.
4.4 Describe how different kinds of joints allow movement and compare this to the movement of mechanical devices.
4.5 Observe and describe how muscles cause the body to move.
English Language Arts Goals
Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.1 Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency, comprehension, and expression.
4.2 Use oral and written language to: - present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
- discuss. - sustain conversation on a topic. - share information and ideas. - recount or narrate. - answer open-ended questions. - report information on a
topic. - explain own learning.
4.6 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic by using preliminary plans
4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written product.
Real World Connections:
Students will actively engage in a presentation of the skeletal and muscle systems given by a local physician.
1. The students will label a skeleton diagram.
2. Students will also participate in an interactive game using the internet.
3. Students will make a skeleton using paper plates.
4. Students will build an arm model after reading about the different types of joints online.
5. Students will add muscles to the model of the arm and joint.
6. Students will locate different types of joints, bones, and muscles during a game of Simon Says.
7. Students will create a model of a the skeletal and muscular systems using different shapes of pasta.
Final Product/Presentation Description:
Using Google Presentations , students will work in three different groups to develop a video clip/presentation of each component (bones, muscles, joints). Students will demonstrate their knowledge by providing important information and showing examples. Students will also provide information on ways to protect the skeletal and muscular systems. Student presentations will be available for others to view and for students to share with the parents
Evaluation of Product (Rubric): (Click here)
Activity Title: Understanding Bones and Bone
Objectives Addressed:
4.1 Identify the skeleton as a system of the human body.
4.2 Describe several functions of bones:
• Support.
• Protection.
• Locomotion.
Materials Needed:
Internet, chart paper, markers, Dem Bones by Bob Barner, paper plates, yarn,one cardboard tube per student, small rocks, kitchen sponges, masking tape
Approximate Time Needed: one week
Activity Description:
Teacher will read Dem Bones, by Bob Barner and label a skeleton diagram on chart paper. The teacher and student may sing the song with Dem Bones several
times of time allows. Students will also write a descriptive paragraph about what the human body would be like if we had no bones. Students will also read an
online article about the importance of the skeletal system at
Students will also participate in an online game using either or both of these two sites.
Students will learn about the composition of bones by creating a bone using a cardboard tube, masking tape, sponge, and rocks. For more information, use the
following site
Students will also create a model of the skeleton using paper plates and yarn.
Activity Title: Joints
Objectives Addressed:
4.3 Describe the functions of different types of joints:
• Hinge.
• Ball and socket.
• Gliding.
4.4 Describe how different kinds of joints allow movement and compare this to the movement of mechanical devices.
Materials Needed:
skills sticks, styrofoam ball, bottle cap, masking tape Internet, guide for building an arm model
Approximate Time Needed: 1-2 days
Activity Description:
Students will go to and read about the purpose and different types of joints.
Students will then create an arm model following the directions from the website
Activity Title: Muscles
Objectives Addressed:
4.5 Observe and describe how muscles cause the body to move.
Materials Needed:
arm model, internet, small and large rubber bands, pipe cleaner, and scissors
Approximate Time Needed: 1-2 days
Activity Description:
Students will read the muscle overview from YuckyKids at the website
Students will also interactively label the muscles of the body at the website
This labeling seems to never end, but is good practice in learning where muscles are. Students will then add muscles using rubber bands to
their arm model.
Activity Title:Skeletal and Muscular Systems model
Objectives Addressed:
Materials Needed:
pasta of different shapes, construction paper, glue, directions
Approximate Time Needed:1 day
Activity Description:
Students will create models of the skeletal and muscular system using different shaped pasta.( elbow macaroni, rotini, etc.) Students decide which shapes could
represent bones, joints, or muscles. Students will also demonstrate knowledge by playing Simon Says to show where bones, joints, and muscles are.
Activity Title: Learning Video / Presentation
Objectives Addressed:
4.2 Use oral and written language to:
- present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
- discuss.
- sustain conversation on a topic.
- share information and ideas.
- recount or narrate.
- answer open-ended questions.
- report information on a topic.
- explain own learning.
4.6 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic by using preliminary plans
4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written product.
Materials Needed:
video camera, digital camera, Google Tools, IMovie software, EZedia,
Approximate Time Needed: 1-2 weeks
Activity Description:
Students will be divided into three groups: bones, joints, muscles. Each group is responsible for creating their own video clip about either bones, joints, or muscles.
Students will use the information they gained to share information and point to various points on their body. For example, the students in the bone group would share information about the importance of bones, where the largest and smallest bones are, and show other major bones. Students are also responsible for conveying
different ways to take care of that aspect of our body.
Students will then individually create a slide show in Google or EZedia with each group’s presentation of their part.
Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Grade Level: 3-5
Essential Question: How does our skeletal and muscle systems work?
1. What are bones made of?
2. What do bones do to help our bodies?
3. What are muscles and what purpose do they serve?
4. How do muscles work?
5. What are the different types of joints and how do they work?
6. Describe where each type of joint can be found on your body?
Science Goals
Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the form and function of the skeletal and muscle
systems of the human body.
4.1 Identify the skeleton as a system of the human body.
4.2 Describe several functions of bones: • Support. • Protection. • Locomotion.
4.3 Describe the functions of different types of joints: • Hinge. • Ball and socket. • Gliding.
4.4 Describe how different kinds of joints allow movement and compare this to the movement of mechanical devices.
4.5 Observe and describe how muscles cause the body to move.
English Language Arts Goals
Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.1 Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency, comprehension, and expression.
4.2 Use oral and written language to: - present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
- discuss. - sustain conversation on a topic. - share information and ideas. - recount or narrate. - answer open-ended questions. - report information on a
topic. - explain own learning.
4.6 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic by using preliminary plans
4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written product.
Real World Connections:
Students will actively engage in a presentation of the skeletal and muscle systems given by a local physician.
1. The students will label a skeleton diagram.
2. Students will also participate in an interactive game using the internet.
3. Students will make a skeleton using paper plates.
4. Students will build an arm model after reading about the different types of joints online.
5. Students will add muscles to the model of the arm and joint.
6. Students will locate different types of joints, bones, and muscles during a game of Simon Says.
7. Students will create a model of a the skeletal and muscular systems using different shapes of pasta.
Final Product/Presentation Description:
Using Google Presentations , students will work in three different groups to develop a video clip/presentation of each component (bones, muscles, joints). Students will demonstrate their knowledge by providing important information and showing examples. Students will also provide information on ways to protect the skeletal and muscular systems. Student presentations will be available for others to view and for students to share with the parents
Evaluation of Product (Rubric): (Click here)
Activity Title: Understanding Bones and Bone
Objectives Addressed:
4.1 Identify the skeleton as a system of the human body.
4.2 Describe several functions of bones:
• Support.
• Protection.
• Locomotion.
Materials Needed:
Internet, chart paper, markers, Dem Bones by Bob Barner, paper plates, yarn,one cardboard tube per student, small rocks, kitchen sponges, masking tape
Approximate Time Needed: one week
Activity Description:
Teacher will read Dem Bones, by Bob Barner and label a skeleton diagram on chart paper. The teacher and student may sing the song with Dem Bones several
times of time allows. Students will also write a descriptive paragraph about what the human body would be like if we had no bones. Students will also read an
online article about the importance of the skeletal system at
Students will also participate in an online game using either or both of these two sites.
Students will learn about the composition of bones by creating a bone using a cardboard tube, masking tape, sponge, and rocks. For more information, use the
following site
Students will also create a model of the skeleton using paper plates and yarn.
Activity Title: Joints
Objectives Addressed:
4.3 Describe the functions of different types of joints:
• Hinge.
• Ball and socket.
• Gliding.
4.4 Describe how different kinds of joints allow movement and compare this to the movement of mechanical devices.
Materials Needed:
skills sticks, styrofoam ball, bottle cap, masking tape Internet, guide for building an arm model
Approximate Time Needed: 1-2 days
Activity Description:
Students will go to and read about the purpose and different types of joints.
Students will then create an arm model following the directions from the website
Activity Title: Muscles
Objectives Addressed:
4.5 Observe and describe how muscles cause the body to move.
Materials Needed:
arm model, internet, small and large rubber bands, pipe cleaner, and scissors
Approximate Time Needed: 1-2 days
Activity Description:
Students will read the muscle overview from YuckyKids at the website
Students will also interactively label the muscles of the body at the website
This labeling seems to never end, but is good practice in learning where muscles are. Students will then add muscles using rubber bands to
their arm model.
Activity Title:Skeletal and Muscular Systems model
Objectives Addressed:
Materials Needed:
pasta of different shapes, construction paper, glue, directions
Approximate Time Needed:1 day
Activity Description:
Students will create models of the skeletal and muscular system using different shaped pasta.( elbow macaroni, rotini, etc.) Students decide which shapes could
represent bones, joints, or muscles. Students will also demonstrate knowledge by playing Simon Says to show where bones, joints, and muscles are.
Activity Title: Learning Video / Presentation
Objectives Addressed:
4.2 Use oral and written language to:
- present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
- discuss.
- sustain conversation on a topic.
- share information and ideas.
- recount or narrate.
- answer open-ended questions.
- report information on a topic.
- explain own learning.
4.6 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic by using preliminary plans
4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written product.
Materials Needed:
video camera, digital camera, Google Tools, IMovie software, EZedia,
Approximate Time Needed: 1-2 weeks
Activity Description:
Students will be divided into three groups: bones, joints, muscles. Each group is responsible for creating their own video clip about either bones, joints, or muscles.
Students will use the information they gained to share information and point to various points on their body. For example, the students in the bone group would share information about the importance of bones, where the largest and smallest bones are, and show other major bones. Students are also responsible for conveying
different ways to take care of that aspect of our body.
Students will then individually create a slide show in Google or EZedia with each group’s presentation of their part.
Additional Resources
Schoolhouse Rock: Bones |
Stanley: Teaching the bones! |