ContentInclude 10 events from the Holocaust / WW II to create an interactive timeline on Meograph.
TextIncluded a short description or title for each event (moment).
TimelineInclude 10 specific dates (moments). If you choose to highlight an important person in a certain event (moment), you may include a date that is meaningful to that person's contributions or actions.
LocationMake sure to include at least one map in one of the moments. Include relevant information (city, state, and/or country).
Images/VideosChoose at least videos and images (pictures) to insert in your time line.
Holocaust and WWII Presentations
Directions: It will be your group’s job to teach our class about your topic. You should give us a brief overview--not make us experts.
YOUR SLIDES MAY BE ONLY TITLES AND PICTURES--NO WORDS. Each person may have one notecard to aid in his/her presentation. The idea is you are sharing what you know (researched) not reading off of a slide or notecard. Please see the rubric regarding using diverse media and presenting your information. Kristallnacht
Holocaust and WWII Presentations
1936 Olympics
1. Brief explanation/timeline of Hitler’s life that relates to why he persecuted the Jews 2. Hitler’s rise to power 3. Hitler’s later years (personal/his wife) 4. Hitler’s death 5. Hitler’s obsession with twins Twins 1. Josef Mengle (what was his part in the twins experiments) 2. What types of experiments were performed? 3. What happened once the twins were taken? 4. What other “medical” experiments were performed by the Nazis?--not only on twins 5. Other types of experiments? 6. Why was Hitler interested in twins? 7. Any other interesting facts or information? |
Video Tutorial
Meograph Interactive Presentation (Visit)
Meograph Directions | |
File Size: | 1005 kb |
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Meograph Example
Complete the Google Form to submit your project. Make sure to copy the embed code from your Meograph. (Click here to submit) |